Comic-Con Wiki

Peteparker Peteparker 21 July 2013

The Walking Dead Escape

Hello to all!

Well, I didn't survive my escape from the slowly becoming infected Petco Park in San Diego Friday.

The event is flexible enough that you can be one of three roles: Survivor, Zombie, or Spectator. I participated as a survivor, meaning I was running the course while attempting to run away from zombies.

You start with a group of approximately 50 people, and you're briefed by a drill-seargent type who asks you to navigate the passageways of the park to get to the safe zone.

From there, you're immediately bombarded by people acting as zombies. Chasing you, popping up around corners, and generally taking swipes at you as you run through.

Now when I say 'run', I mean exactly that. You are RUNNING. There are many participants who brin…

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Peteparker Peteparker 15 July 2013

The Walking Dead Experience - Friday!

Our illustrious hosts, Wikia, have set me up to run The Walking Dead Escape on Friday!

Stay tuned for my breakdown of the experience and if you should go next year Friday evening.

Until then, here's the 'trailer'

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Peteparker Peteparker 17 July 2012

Partying with Dexter

In order to adequately cover the Dexter panel, Eric Moro and the Wikia crew sent myself and my plus one over to the Thursday night after-panel party!

I was so glad to be able to attend the panel first, as it gave me a chance to see not only what they had worked out for the Dexter 2 video game, but also what the head writers look like and 5 full minutes of Season 7!

Recognizing the writers was ultimately very helpful as I was able to pull them aside at the party and thank them for their wonderful work. Incidentally, ALL of the writers were standing together, and I was able to thank them all together at the same time. Truly an incredibly talented and imaginative group of people, and I can't wait to see what they cook up this time!

The party i…

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